If you have a local recipe file, you can upload it to ClassCart and save a lot of time.
There are many ways to add a recipe to your ClassCart collection: manually, discovering from other schools, from the internet, and from local files. If you have
Supported file formats
The following file formats are supported for upload:
Step 1: Upload The File
First, go to the create recipe page in ClassCart, app.classcart.com/create-recipe.
On the create recipe page, you will see there are many options for how to create a recipe. Select "Upload From File"
Then you will see a box to drag and drop files to, or click to select. Using your preferred method—drag and drop, or click to select—select your recipe file and ClassCart will begin uploading and reading it.
Step 2: Finalise Recipe Details
When ClassCart has finished reading the file, it will show a preview of the file (left) next to a pane with all the information ClassCart was able to get about the recipe (right).
You can hide the preview if you want by clicking the "Hide Image" or "Hide PDF" or "Hide Word Document" button, but it is best to keep the preview as a reference when going through the details.
Now what's left to do is go through all the details and confirm they are accurate, editing as you go along.
Steps To Finalise Recipe Details
Confirm the recipe title is accurate, and the number of servings are accurate
Then set any attributes you want
If the recipe will be made in groups, select an option
You can optionally assign the recipe to a class, give it a tag, and/or put it in a folder
Mark the recipe as shared if you would like it to be discovered and used as inspiration by other schools.
Edit the method if it is inaccurate, or you just want to make changes.
Finally, you can go through the ingredients and double check they are accurate, making changes as you go along.
Reconciling Ingredients
Go through the ingredients one by one, confirming all the details—ingredient, amount, unit, and preparation method—are accurate.
Ingredients that were unable to be automatically matched will have an orange outline, alerting you to select an ingredient.
Simply start typing in the ingredient name and ClassCart will show suggestions from your ingredient collection, then select the correct ingredient.
If the ingredient you're looking for is not showing up, try searching different variations. For example, if the ingredient you're looking for is Worcestershire Sauce, you could try "Worce", then if that doesn't show the right ingredient, try "Sauce".
If you are still unable to find the ingredient, it may not be in your collection so you will need to add it. You will notice one of the options when searching is "Can't find the ingredient? Click to create it!" or "No options. Click to create an ingredient?". Click on this option, and a box will appear for you to create the ingredient.
For more on how to create an ingredient in ClassCart, read this article: Creating Ingredients.
Once you have gone through all details, you can now create the recipe by clicking the green "Create Recipes" button at the bottom of the page.
If you prefer a visual demonstration you can watch the video below, from our YouTube Channel.