Classes are a core aspect of Project Groceries as they are one the main features tying the program together. They can be found on the Home Page in the "Classes" Section as shown below.
Each Class is assigned to a Teacher, with Students being able to enrol in them [1]. This allows for ordering to happen per Class rather than per person, which comes in handy when you want to order for a Lesson or to filter orders on the Summary Page by Class.
Customising Classes
With each Class having it's own Settings Page, they are customisable in all the ways that you may need. Class colour can be changed so that it is unique or so that it matches the Teacher's other Classes; which is useful as it helps distinguish the Class and it's Lessons on the Home page and Schedule. You can also change the number of students, with or without having Student Accounts, which can be used in ordering for a whole Class at once. You can even include important class specific information as "Extra Information" that you might find useful when viewing the Class Summary page or printing the Class' Shopping List.
Importance of Classes in Other Features
Classes being such a core aspect of Project Groceries means that it is useful in other places such as the Schedule and Summary Page.
In the Schedule you will be able to add Lessons throughout the week for the Classes you have. This is really useful for planning out your week by having the Class Schedule online; as well as being able to make Orders for specific Lessons throughout the week.
Summary Page
The Summary Page collates orders from all Classes in the School and can be formatted to fit your needs. Two of the ways to format it are 'Group By Class' and 'Filter By Class'. These are useful in making sure that you are viewing the orders from the right Classes and in making it easier to view the Summary.
Assigning Classes
Classes can be transferred to another Teacher in the Class Settings Page, which can be useful when classes or subject change Teacher throughout or at the end of the year.
[1] - Teacher and Student Accounts - "Accounts and Classes"